Sound Healing Therapy

Explore the healing power of the vibration of sound in this treatment using the singing bowls of the Tibetan Buddhist tradition. “If we accept that sound is vibration and we know that vibrati…

Source: Sound Healing Therapy

Four Phases of Operation It’s All Putin’s Fault!

“The Story is Over, The Game is Over”: Syria’s Ambassador al-Ja’afari on turkey, saudi, qatari, ‘israeli’, NATO war on Syria

In Gaza

Bashar-al-Jaafari*Syrian Ambassador to the United Nations, Dr. Bashar al-Ja’afari (image from

Below is a very interesting recent series of statements, followed by Q&A with Syria’s Ambassador to the UN, Dr. Bashar al-Ja’afari on turkey’s latest criminal aggression against Syria, as well as turkey’s history of violating Syria’s sovereignty and abetting, funneling terrorists into Syria.

*I typed out some choice remarks by Dr. al-Ja’afari*

“Nowadays everybody knows what’s going on in Syria. The turkish government is responsible of dealing, trading with ISIL. Buying oil, gas, and artifacts from ISIL. Facilitating the movement of this illegal, illegitimate trade of artifacts and gas and oil through turkish territory into some european capitals and ‘israel’.

So the story is over, the game is over. The turkish wrong and irresponsible policies are very well known to everybody. It’s time to put the turkish rulers at the seat of confession in front of the Security…

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Yazidis, The People of the Peacock Angel

Piazza della Carina

“The earth’s trees have become tears of heaven’s cheeks…. The flower that tempted the wind to carry its perfume, died yesterday.” Ali Ahmad Said, Victims of a Map, Saqi Books *

When the Mongol hordes invaded what is now Iraq, Gengis Khan is: “ …said to have declared: ‘all cities must be razed, so that the world may once again become a great steppe, in which Mongol mothers will suckle free and happy children.’” **


This was the twelfth century “war on terror” and it is not delusional to witness what has happened to Iraq since March 2003: the destruction of an entire civil society, history, records, education, health, life, to draw the parallels. “We fight them over there, so we don’t have to fight them over here” is the Capitol Hill mantra, regarding a society with no weapons of mass destruction, unable even to board a ‘plane from…

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Measles Outbreak: What If It’s Not an Accident?

Ron Paul: “What the Media Won’t Report About Malaysian Airlines Flight MH17” [similar chemical conspiracy against Syria]

the real Syrian Free Press

“They will not report how similar this is to last summer’s US claim that the Assad government in Syria had used poison gas against civilians in Ghouta. ~ Assad was also gaining the upper hand in his struggle with US-backed rebels and the US claimed that the attack came from Syrian government positions. ~ Then, US claims led us to the brink of another war in the Middle East. ~ At the last minute public opposition forced Obama to back down – and we have learned since then that US claims about the gas attack were false”.
Ron Paul.

ron-paul-seniorWritten by Ron Paul ~ Sunday July 20, 2014  ~  Just days after the tragic crash of a Malaysian Airlines flight over eastern Ukraine, Western politicians and media joined together to gain the maximum propaganda value from the disaster. It had to be Russia; it had to be Putin, they…

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FINAL – Part II: Evidence Continues to Emerge #MH17 Is a False Flag Operation

FINAL – Part II: Evidence Continues to Emerge #MH17 Is a False Flag Operation
Examining the Evidence July 18, 2014 Comments: 34
Key Information in Reverse Chronological Order

#15 – Dissecting the Fake Intercept Disseminated by SBU (Ukrainian Security Service)

Note: Half of the Post Translated; The Remaining Half is Speculative
Complete Original of the Post (in Russian) Can Be Found at Eugene-DF LiveJournal

In the disseminated intercept, the place from which the missile was allegedly launched is clearly indicated: the checkpoint at the settlement of Chernukhino.

Pay close attention at the Alleged Map of the MH17 Catastrophe.

As you can see, the distance from the point of launch to the point of the fall is 37 kilometres. At the same time, the elevation of the plane was 10-11 kilometres. For the Russian BUK M2 this distance is, in fact, achievable (although with a very important caveat discussed below).

However, Ukraine does not, and cannot, have modern digital high-tech Anti-Aircraft systems in its arsenal. What it does have, at best, is the older version BUK M1. The system itself is not too bad, and could even fit the stated distance. Except for the caveat that was mentioned.

The thing is that most short to medium range Anti-Aircraft systems work extremely poorly in a “pursuit” mode. There are a number of reasons for this, and I do not intend to belabor the point, but you can take it as an axiom that when the launch is made in “pursuit” of the target, the maximum distance of the launch that successfully hits the target is at least half of the advertised maximum distance (in reality, it even worse, but let’s leave aside the sad part). Accordingly, the real distance of a “pursuit” launch for BUK M1 is 16 kilometres. What’s more, the last 3 kilometres are purely “God willing” and “without guarantees.”

And, so, we have the background. Let’s see how the picture unfolds:

The launch is alleged to have been made from Chernukhino. The maximum distance of the launch is 16 kilometres. The aircraft fell between Snezhnoye and Torez. That’s 37 kilometres, which is 20 kilometres more than the maximum possible point at which the plain could have been hit. You know, even a plane with turned-off engines can’t glide like that. But the trouble is that the aircraft was not whole.

According to the pattern of the spread of fuselage fragments and bodies, the plane was ruptured practically with the first shot. Here it must be mentioned that the high-explosive/fragmentation warhead of the rocket has a mass of approximately 50 kilograms (by the way, Ukrainians have an outdated modification, which is only 40 kilograms).

Overall, that’s not too little; however, it must be understood that it detonates not when it sticks into an airplane, but when it is still at a certain, and fairly significant distance. Moreover, the main strike factor is not the blast wave, but far more significantly – the stream of fragments. These fragments are previously prepared rods (and in the earlier versions – little cubes, if I recall correctly). And yes, for a jet fighter, that, in itself, is more than sufficient.

However, here we are dealing with a huge airliner. Yes, one rocket will rip the casing, cause depressurization, and will kill a lot of passengers. But it will not break up the airliner into pieces. Given certain conditions, the pilots may even be able to land it. And, in fact, there have been precedents (to be provided in future posts). For example – the very same An-28, which is alleged to have been the first victim of a BUK system; even though it was done for, but the crew was able to successfully catapult out. Which, in some way, symbolizes. An An-28, by the way, is far smaller than a Boeing.

Nevertheless, this has relation to the next part of our analysis. For now, let’s accept as a fact the break-up of the aircraft in the air, at a significant height (which is, in essence, what was observed. Allow me to remind you: “fragments spread over a radius of 15 kilometres.” The key here is that this means the following: the aircraft (or, more precisely, the core of the aircraft) fell literally at the point where the rocket impacted it. Clarifying: as soon as the aircraft turned into a host of fragments of different mass, the separation of these fragments began due to air resistance and the difference in inertia. The densest fragment flew a further 3-6 kilometres, falling more and more steeply. The lightest – spread out and, due to gliding and air currents, fell somewhere within a 10 kilometre radius. The medium ones (primarily pieces of casing with high sail-effect and the victims’ bodies) – fell almost vertically.

In other words, the rocket caught up to the plane no closer than 25 kilometres away from Chernukhino. Which is absolutely impossible for a BUK system.

By the way, we can’t overlook the fact that, at maximum distances, BUK can be used only provided there is support from an external radar installation for location and guiding purposes. In other words, even if a rockets flies far, BUK’s mobile radar does not cover its entire distance.

Accordingly, if SBU’s video above is not fake, then, to our surprise, we discover that it was literally impossible for the aircraft to be shot down by the rebel’s BUK. By the way, what exactly this BUK was doing in Chernukhino with the Cossacks is pretty much inexplicable. It is 60 kilometres whether you go to Donetsk or to Lugansk from there, and this BUK would be unable to protect the skies over either of the key cities. Nor are there any hostilities in the area. It’s also strange for the Militia to expect enemy planes there – it’s not like the pilots are their own enemies to make such detours over the enemy’s territory, is it? Well, all right. As I already stated, let’s accept, for the moment, that the intercept is not fake.

And that is what is so strange here: SBU literally offers evidence that proves that that the Militia had no part in the shooting down of the Boeing! The fact that they blame themselves in the recording is quite understandable. Unlike the fascists, they have a conscience, which takes its toll until you are sure it was not you who did it.

Ok. But somebody did, in fact, shoot down the plane?

Of course it was shot down. And here we have another question: what if this recording is a falsification through and through? Then it had to have been prepared somehow? And then disseminated?

That’s when smoke starts to clear, and mirrors – to break.

That’s the problem with tricks.

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No Limit to Our Anger (c) V. M. Molotov

Key Information in Reverse Chronological Order

#15 – Dissecting the Fake Intercept Disseminated by SBU (Ukrainian Security Service)

Note: Half of the Post Translated; The Remaining Half is Speculative
Complete Original of the Post (in Russian) Can Be Found at Eugene-DF LiveJournal

In the disseminated intercept, the place from which the missile was allegedly launched is clearly indicated: the checkpoint at the settlement of Chernukhino.

Pay close attention at the Alleged Map of the MH17 Catastrophe.

As you can see, the distance from the point of launch to the point of the fall is 37 kilometres. At the same time, the elevation of the plane was 10-11 kilometres. For the Russian BUK M2 this distance is, in fact, achievable (although with a very important caveat discussed below).

However, Ukraine does not, and cannot, have modern digital high-tech Anti-Aircraft systems in its arsenal. What it does have, at…

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Expert Source Ukrainian E.U. Kiev-Led Army Buk Missile Downed Malaysian Plane: Frustrated With Russia ~ NWO Kiev Coup Opportunists Sacrifice Innocent People Downing Flight 777.

Political Vel Craft

Emergencies Ministry members work at the site of a Malaysia Airlines Boeing 777 plane crash, July 17, 2014 Emergencies Ministry members work at the site of a Malaysia Airlines Boeing 777 plane crash, July 17, 2014

Official Statement From Russian Defense Ministry On Malaysia Boeing 777: Only E.U. Overthrown Kiev ~ Controlled Buk-M1 Missiles In Donetsk Region.

MOSCOW, July 17 (RIA Novosti) – A Ukrainian army battalion of Buk air defense systems was deployed near the city of Donetsk a day before the crash of a Malaysian passenger plane on Thursday, making the downing of the aircraft by one of the missiles highly probable, an expert source said.

“According to reconnaissance data, a Ukrainian army battalion of Buk air defense systems was deployed near Donetsk on Wednesday morning,” the source said.
The source added that armed militia fighting Kiev-led forces in eastern Ukraine does not have Buk systems, which are capable of shooting down aircraft flying at altitudes up to 25 kilometers (82,000 feet).

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U.S. ‘Ashamed’ Of Gorbachev Lies: “Putin Pulling Russia Back Into the Past” ~ Truth Is ~ Putin Kicked Out Rothschild From Russia And Is Now Sovereign!

Political Vel Craft

Michael Gorbacheb Last 'Soviet' aka; 'Communist' aka; Rothschild Agent President In Russia. He's here now to Fck Up America For The Centralization Of Money To Rothschild Banking Cartel. Michael Gorbacheb Last ‘Soviet’ aka; ‘Communist’ aka; Rothschild Agent President In Russia. He’s here now to Fck Up America For The Centralization Of Money To Rothschild Banking Cartel.

WHEN PUTIN WAS ELECTED PRESIDENT of Russia in 2000, Russia was bankrupt. The nation owed $16.6 billion to the Rothschild-run International Monetary Fund while its foreign debt to the Rothschild-controlled Paris & London Club Of Creditors was over 36 billion dollars.
But Putin took advantage of the current boom in world oil prices by redirecting a portion of the profits of Russia’s largest oil producer Gazprom so as to pay off the country’s debt. The continual surge in oil prices greatly accelerated Russia’s capacity to restore financial sovereignty.

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*Patricia Lohan *

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